555.800.071 QIO850 Quad input/output module

555.800.071 QIO850 Quad input/output module

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555.800.071 QIO850 Quad input/output module
555.800.071 QIO850 Quad input/output module

QIO850 Quad input/output module

The MX Quad Ancillary Modules form a versatile new range of multiple input and output modules for use with MX TECHNOLOGY systems.

Key Features:

- Built-in MX loop short-circuit isolator with fault indication at the MX1 CIE1 when operated

- IR link for programming by 850EMT

- Selectable interrupt operation to speed up response

- Enclosed in protective plastic housing, with an optional IP66 enclosure available for applications in challenging environments

- Top-hat DIN rail mounting

- LED indication of each output state