
AD-10-5210 DM-TT-10-L DETECTOR 0,1%O/M

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AD-10-5210 DM-TT-10-L DETECTOR 0,1%O/M
AD-10-5210 DM-TT-10-L DETECTOR 0,1%O/M


Key Features:

- Sensitivity adjustable down to 0.015 % light obscuration/m in main alarm (depending on detector module)

- Up to two detector modules with up to three alarm stages each can be evaluated

- Prepared for accepting a network card for linking via Ethernet or SNMP

- Up to 1 x 100 or 2 x 72 air sampling points, depending on version

- Optional connection of remote display units

- TITANUS PRO?SENS® /net is available in the following versions: Standard

- Cold Storage (“-F”), usable at temperatures down to -40 °C

- Silent (“SL”) at 23 dB (A) and up for noise-sensitive areas