The DCM 400 supports eight Wiegand or OSDP compliant readers (Entry/Exit configuration) for bi-directional control on four doors. Using powerful 32-bit processors, the DCM 400 gives full off-line verification and decision making at the point of entry, even when host communication is not available.
Network communication
Three onboard network ports provide reliable network communications. Host communications are secured with TLS and AES encryption. Digital certificates secure hardware based key storage with FIPS SP800-56A Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman and NIST standard P256 elliptic curve.
OSDP v2 support
OSDP is an Open Supervised Device Protocol for peripheral devices. With added secure AES 128 encryption, it provides bi-directional communications and advanced security features for connecting OSDP compliant card readers to DCM 400 control panels, eliminating the threat of Wiegand signal cloning.
Off-line card verification
The card database is initially downloaded to the DCM 400 internal memory from the AC2000 host server, with subsequent changes to card data automatically sent as updates. This ensures that the DCM 400 has up-to-date card information when operating in off-line mode. While operating in off-line mode, the controller can hold 500,000 cards and store 80,000 offline events (transactions and alarms).